Beatrice's Diamond | Beatrice’s Diamond I Put A Spell On You
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INT Ch. Grand.CH

Beatrice’s Diamond I Put A Spell On You

Born: 14.5.2017.
Father: Ch. Xebec Kingsman
Mother: Ch. Beatricee’s Diamond Glare Of Illusion

International champion
Grand champion of Croatia
Grand Champion of Montenegro
Croatian Champion
Montenegro Champion
BIH Champion
Junior Croatian Champion


  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA B1)
Xebec Kingsman Aquin Milton v. Itterfeld Schonhardt Me myself ‘N I
Mountain  High’s Saint I Ain’t
Indian Night v.d. Schaunburg Xebec Casus Belli
Anaconda Ignorata
Beatrice’s Diamond Glare Of Illusion
Ch. Beatrice’s Daimond Tap-Tap
Ch.James Bond Rezlark
Ch. Mirta’s Haus Beatrice
Ch. Elkost Zhakaranda Ch. Panomaks Quinton
Ch. Elkost Marmellata Di Fragola