Beatrice's Diamond | News
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CAC KOPRIVNICA 29. 6.2015 Ch. Beatrice's Diamond Glare Of Illusion CAC, BOS new CHAMPION OF CROATIA ...

CACIB BUDVA 23./24. 5.2015 Ch. Beatrice's Diamond Glare Of Illusion 2 x CACIB, 2 x BOS new...

CACIB & 2 x CAC BANJA LUKA 9./10. 5.2015  JCh. Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of...

SCHNAUZER CLUB SHOW CROATIA  16. 5.2015 JCh. Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of Grey JBOB and Junior BEST...

BUDAPEST GRAND PRIX 3X CACIB 01./02./03. 5.2015 JCh. Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of Grey 2XBOB and BOG...

HUNGARY SCHNAUZER PINCHER CLUB SHOW - Budapest 02. 5.2015 JCh. Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of Grey Junior...

Today our Tap ( Multi Ch. Beatrice's Diamond Tap-Tap) celebrate 10th birthday! ...

CAC ĐAKOVO - 18. 4.2015 JCh. Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of Grey JCAC , JBOB and JBISS...

CAC BARJE 6. 4.2015 Multi Ch. Beatrice's Diamond Kai'Mana Kahoni CAC, BOB new SLOVENIAN CHAMPION ...

CACIB NITRA 28. 2/1. 3.2015 EW Multi Ch.Int Ch. Beatrice's Diamond Kai'Mana Kahoni 2XBOB, seconda day Best...

CACIB RIJEKA 7. 2. 2015 judge: Christine Rossier (CH) Minimaks Secret Sensation BOB Baby and BIS Baby 3....

How to make a perfect photo? The answer is simple ! Take a neighbour's cat !...

JCh. Ch. Beatrice's Diamond Glare Of Illusion (Ch. Beatrice's Diamond Tap-Tap & Ch. Elkost Zhakaranda)...

JCH. Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of Grey (Multi Ch. Top Target Silver Rain & Multi Ch....

Our new baby boy from Russia, our Seth ! Minimaks Secret Sensation...

EDS BRNO 23.-26.10. 2014 Beatrice's Diamond Kai'Mana Kahoni won BEST OF BREED and she is brand...