CACIB Vrtojba 10.12.2017. Peppers Beatrice's Diamond She Is The One JCAC, JBOB & BOB Beatrice's Diamond Waterfords Shining...
CACIB Vrtojba 10.12.2017. Peppers Beatrice's Diamond She Is The One JCAC, JBOB & BOB Beatrice's Diamond Waterfords Shining...
CACIB Šempeter 9.12.2017. Peppers Beatrice's Diamond She Is The One JCAC & JBOB Beatrice's Diamond Waterfords Shining Star CAC, R.CACIB Black CH...
2 x IDS Wels (A) 02./03.12.2017. Black CH Beatrice's Diamond Break The Rules 2 x CAC, 2...
CACIB Zagreb 25./26.11.2017. 25.11.2017. La Leia's Jet-Set Jaxon junior PS male, JCAC and JBOB 26.11.2017 La Leia's Jet-Set Jaxon JCAC and...
2 X CACIB Skopje 21./22.10.2017. - Macedonia Peppers JEW JCH CH JBIS Beatrice's Diamond Piece of Puzzle 2...
CACIB OSIJEK 23. 9. 2017. judge: Peter Harsany (H) PS JEW Multi JCH JBISS Beatrice's Diamond Piece of...
CACIB GRUDE 1. 9. 2017.- BIH CACIB POSUŠJE 2. 9. 2017.- BIH Mini schnauzer PS Multi JCH....
EURO DOG SHOW 2017, KIEV 26. 8. 2017. Judge: Carmen Gil Polo - ES Multi JCH.Beatrice's Diamond Piece...
4 SUMMER NIGHT DOG SHOWS SPLIT 27th till 30th 2017 JCH. Beatrice's Diamond She's The One...
SARAJEVO WINNER 2017. SARAJEVO CACIB I & II. 15. 7./16. 7.2017. judge: Lisbeth Mach (CH) Multi JCh. JBIS...
SCHNAUZER CLUB SHOW 14. 7.2017 judge: Lisbeth Mach (CH) Beatrice's Diamond Piece of Puzzle JCAC, JBOB, Junior Club...
CAC SARAJEVO 14. 7.2017 Beatrice's Diamond Piece of Puzzle CAC,JBOB,BOB and r. JUNIOR BIS Beatrice's Diamond Break...
NDS KAŠTELA 11. 6.2017 Blacks Beatrice's Diamond Break The Rules CAC, BOB Beatrice's Diamond Hello It's Me Mr. Hill CAC Beatrice's...
CACIB NITRA (SLOVAKIA) 2/3/4. 6.2017 JCh . Beatrice's Diamond Piece Of Puzzle NEW Junior Champion of Slovakia JCh....
CACIB ZADAR 27. 4.2017 Seglavi Welcome to My Party - cairn terrier CAC, CACIB,BOB Beatrice's Diamond Piece of...
NATIONAL DOG SHOW ROVINJ 1. 4.2017 Seglavi Welcome to My Party - cairn terrier JCAC,JBOB,BOB, BOG3 new JUNIOR...
CACIB RIJEKA 25. 2.2017 Beatrice's Diamond Piece of Puzzle JCAC, JBOB Rus Pitmark Free As a Bird JCAC, JBOB Seglavi...
CACIB NITRA (SLOVAKIA) 4. 12.2016 Multi Int Ch. Beatrice's Diamond Glare Of Illusion CACIB, BOB & r.BEST...
CACIB BRATISLAVA 5/6. 11.2016 Multi CH. INT CH. JBIS JBISS Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of Grey 2...
SCHNAUZER CLUB SHOW BRATISLAVA 4. 11.2016 Multi CH. INT CH. JBIS JBISS Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades...