Beatrice's Diamond | News
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IDS LIPICA ( SLO )  8/9. 10.2016 Rus Pitmark Free As A Bird VERY PROMISING, BOB PUPPY,...

CACIB KARLOVAC 24/25. 9.2016 Multi Ch.Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of Grey 2 x CAC, 2 x CACIB,...

CACIB OSIJEK 10/11. 9.2016 Multi Ch.Beatrice's Diamond Kai'Mana Kahoni 2 x CAC, 2 x CACIB, 2 x...

EUROPEAN DOG SHOW  27. 8.2016 Black and silver girl, Rus Pitmark Free As A Bird -...

CACIB INNSBRUCK 14/15. 8.2016 Multi Ch.Beatrice's Diamond Kai'Mana Kahoni 2 x CAC, 2 x CACIB, 2 x...

CACIB SPLIT 29/31. 7.2016 Judges: Revaz Khomasuridze(RUS) & Linda Volarikova (SK) Multi Ch.Beatrice's Diamond Glare of Illusion CAC,...

Meet our new family member! Cairn terrier Party Seglavi Welcome To My Party ...

CACIB MARIBOR & POHORJE (SLO) 16/17. 4.2016 Multi JCh. JBISS Ch.Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of Grey 2xCACIB,...

CAC DJAKOVO 6. 4.2016 JCh. Minimaks Secret Sensation NEW Croatian Champion ...

CACIB PECH (HU) 12/13. 3.2016 Judges: Alfonso Thovar Del Solar (E) & Maria del Carmen Gil...

Schnauzer Club Show - Graz/Austria 5. 3.2016 Multi Ch. Beatrice's Diamond Kai'Mana Kahoni CAC, Club Winner &...

CACIB CELJE 20/21. 2.2016 Judges: Igor Selimovic (HR) & Željka Halper (HR) Multi JCh. JBISS Ch.Beatrice's Diamond...

CACIB RIJEKA 6/7. 2.2016 Multi Ch.Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of Grey 2 x CAC, CACIB & BOB JCh....

CACIB ZAGREB   28/29.11.2015 Multi Ch GCH. Beatrice's Diamond Glare Of Illusion 28.11.2015. CAC, CACIB, BOB 29.11.2015....

CACIB BRATISLAVA 25.10.2015 Ch. Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of Grey CAC, CACIB, BOB Ch. Beatrice's Diamond Glare Of...

CAC SAMOBOR  5. 9.2015 Minimaks Secret Sensation JCAC,JBOB, BOB and r.BOG JCh. Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of...

CACIB POSUŠJE  29. 8.2015 Minimaks Secret Sensation JCAC, JBOB, BOB and BOG III. JCh. Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades...

Very proud that I can share this picture with my friends. Four generations in our house! Multi...

CAC KNIN  8. 8.2015 judge-Igor Mioč Minimaks Secret Sensation JCAC,JBOB, BOB JCh. Beatrice's Diamond Fifty Shades Of...